Divorced in 2010 with one child. DV accusations were founded and I was placed on supervised < parenting time > with a program stepping up to standard. I accepted a job out of state prior to divorce finalization but remained in the state until after the mother moved. The mother moved with my permission but I did not have time to finish the step up program and didn't 'earn' standard < parenting time >.This lead to me never getting to see my child unless it was at the mother's state. I have not had overnights in four years. My child refuses to be alone with me and these visits are either supervised by a supervisor or the mother and her family.I'm in reunification therapy and while ex will make the child pick up the phone, the child refuses to speak. I still live in another state. The mother has moved the case to her state.
Please help.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
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